Solving the bottle neck of labour shortage

The housing industry is in a tough spot right now because of several problems. Some of the main issues are broken supply chains, rising costs and a shortage of labour. Factors such as global climate change, worldwide conflicts and the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic are exacerbating the situation.
Removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere: Why PropTech1 invested in NeoCarbon?

The climate crisis is now a reality that is having an increasingly tangible impact, forcing consumers, politicians and businesses to reduce emissions as drastically and as quickly as possible.
Making Residential Buy-to-Let Investments Great Again: Why PropTech1 invested in Beanstock

One of the main reasons why the real estate industry is lacking behind in terms of digitalisation is that incumbents, due to constantly rising real estate prices, used to make money in their sleep, thereby smothering any need to improve and evolve.
Revolutionizing skilled blue-collar construction staffing: Why PT1 invested in Kollabo

Digital solutions must be designed for the construction industry and solve an indispensable problem. Proven concepts from other industries rarely work in the construction industry. Retrofitting the building stock is the most important lever for achieving the German government’s climate targets for the real estate industry. Current methods and means are not sufficient to achieve this goal in a timely manner.